Sports / Weight Loss / General
Dietitian Services
Food, a cornerstone to our health, our culture, and our bodies. We all know its importance, but often neglect or overlook the time, energy, and money that it can take to fuel our bodies well and correctly. It’s also no surprise that there can often be much confusion about what “healthy food” really is when there is often so much conflicting information thrown at us and so many fad diets that all claim to be “the one.”
We believe food should be delicious, fun, and enjoyable and we want to help you feel that way about it too! We all have a relationship with food, good, bad, dysfunctional, complicated or some mixture therein. So, we are here to help guide you through this journey of “how to eat!” Everyone is different, different food or caloric needs, different lifestyles, different preferences, different allergies and different disease processes that can be challenging to navigate when deciding how to feed our bodies.
Whether you’re just looking for some new nutritional ideas, seeking to boost your health and fitness, wanting to find and live life at your healthy weight, or just generally feel some nutritional counseling would benefit you (as it would most of us!), we’d love to help!
Take the time to find what you need to power your body so that it can function optimally, you’ll be glad you did, as will your body!
Sports Nutrition
Food is a pillar for athletic performance. The old adage “you are what you eat” goes hand in hand with not only our overall health, but how well our bodies can perform when tested and pushed in athletic endeavors. We can help you optimize your body from a nutritional standpoint to help you achieve the performance you are striving for whether you are a professional athlete, weekend warrior or anything in between.
Weight Loss Nutrition
You don’t have to be in our Weight Loss Program to qualify for this! If you would like to learn more about nutrition and how to feed your body well while getting to and maintaining a healthy weight for you, this is a great option. Our dietitian can work with your specific needs to help you make the changes you need to live a healthier life at a healthier weight.
General Nutrition
Maybe weight loss or peak athletic performance isn’t your goal. Maybe you need healthier food ideas, guidance in eating with new medical conditions or food allergies, or whatever other food, nutrition, and dietetics questions or guidance that you are seeking, we can help with.
What to Expect from Your Appointment
You will start with an initial consult which is 60 minutes with our registered dietitian. Where your current nutrition will be evaluated, goals discussed and a plan made. Our dietitian will review your nutritional health with you and listen to your needs, concerns, and desires and work with you to formulate the right course of action to getting you on your way to reaching your nutrition and dietetics needs. Follow-up appointments which are 30 minutes (or 45 minutes for extended follow-ups) can be made after your initial appointment to continue to evaluate your progress, provide accountability and continue to help you reach your goals.
*Tele-health & In-person appointments both available
Appointment Costs
75 minutes – $145
45 minutes – $110