IV Therapy &
Our Standards
Our Commitment to Quality
We Do It Well & We Do It Right
We are committed to providing the highest quality IV and IM Therapy services.
That’s why we are staffed by only experienced RNs.
That’s why we do a thorough health intake on every client before giving services.
That’s why we listen to your heart and lungs before administering your bag and check your vital signs before and after each bag.
That’s why we educate you about what you are getting and important things to know.
That’s why we mix all of our bags under a sterile hood.
That’s why we use all highest quality, sterile, hospital grade supplies.
That’s why we get all of our nutritional/pharmaceutical components from compounding pharmacies that do 3rd party testing and undergo FDA testing.
Quality & Quantity Matter
Many IV Therapy businesses have similar names and descriptions for bags, but they are not all created equally, quite far from it actually. There are no set standards for what places are marketing or telling you the benefit will be and what ingredients and how much of those ingredients they are actually putting in their bags. Not only do we have typically far more nutrient ingredients in our bags, but we typically give higher doses as well. We are not trying to “slam” other businesses, but rather educate you on what you are paying for and receiving. We strive to give you the best bang for you buck!
IV Fluids
Vitamin B Complex
Vitamin B12
IV Fluids
Vitamin B5
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B Complex
Vitamin C
IV Fluids
Vitamins C
IV Fluids
Vitamin B5
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B Complex
Vitamin C
*Zinc (add-on)
*Vitamin C
*Actual comparisons of IV therapy bags from another IV therapy business and ours.
We Have a Bag for That
We like to say we have a bag for just about anything! Vitamins, minerals, and amino acids are the building blocks of our bodies. There isn’t too much that some 100% bioavailable nutrients and direct hydration can’t help.
Not sure which bag is right for you? No, problem chat with our staff to find a good fit for you. Everyone is different, try out different bags and see what is your favorite!
The History of IV Therapy
IV therapy has been around for over a hundred years. Traditionally IVs have been utilized in the hospital setting, until more recently when there became awareness of the therapeutic benefits outside of just being used when treating disease.
Dr. John Myers, a physician in Baltimore in the 1950s is considered one of the founders of elective nutritional IV therapy. He successfully utilized a vitamin and mineral concoction to help his patients who suffered with many chronic conditions such as asthma, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, seasonal allergies, chronic migraines. autoimmune diseases and more.
Current Use of IV Therapy
The Dehydration Problem
75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated which can lead to many problems such as fatigue, headaches, muscle weakness, constipation, dry/flaky skin, dizziness, urinary & kidney problems, even shock and seizures. (1,2) Hydration from IV therapy is an immediate treatment for these problems.
The Nutrient Deficiency Problem
In addition to inadequate hydration, nutrient deficiency is extensive throughout the US population. “A well-functioning immune system is essential for human health and well-being. Micronutrients such as vitamins A, C, D, E, and zinc have several functions throughout the immune system, yet inadequate nutrient intakes are pervasive in the US population. A large body of research shows that nutrient inadequacies can impair immune function and weaken the immune response…Specifically, 45% of the U.S. population had a prevalence of inadequacy for vitamin A, 46% for vitamin C, 95% for vitamin D, 84% for vitamin E, and 15% for zinc.” According to a study published in 2020 by the NIH.(3) And this is only a handful of nutrients vital to the health and well-being of the human body.
The Absorption Problem
Oral vitamins and supplements can provide some degree of benefit and restoration to necessary nutrient levels; however, due to the absorption process in the body, much of the nutrient is lost, providing less than desirable benefit. Administering these nutrients directly into the bloodstream bypasses the loss that occurs through oral administration, thus making the nutrients in IV therapies almost 100% bioavailable.
Accelerating Sports Recovery
As most athletes know, adequate hydration and electrolyte balance is optimal for peak performance and recovery. Again, while oral sources used to obtain this optimal level can be beneficial, a large percentage are actually lost in the absorption process. Therefore, utilizing IV therapy to achieve peak hydration and electrolyte balance is ideal for quick recovery and to maintain top performance. This is why so many professional athletes are now using IV therapy to help them naturally perform better and recover faster.
The Best Hangover Treatment
Everyone tries to find the quick cure for a hangover, while some measures may help a bit, this may be the only true quick treatment that exists. While we don’t promote over indulging in alcohol, we do know that it happens and we are here to help you through it!
1) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK555956/
2) https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/dehydration/symptoms-
3) Inadequacy of Immune Health Nutrients: Intakes in US Adults, the
2005-2016 NHANES
Everyone is different and while these treatments are scientifically based
and are generally known to have a certain desirable effect, we can’t
guarantee individual results.